Bitcoin was 'created' by someone or a group of people under the name 'Satoshi Nakamoto'. Does anyone really know who he is? Although there are many articles and investigations to find out the truth about who he is (or they are), there is no strong enough evidence to date. Is it important? Not at all. Satoshi designed the entire Bitcoin system with an 'open manner' attitude - meaning that this code is available for viewing and checking by everyone, so there are no hidden secrets, and no influence from the creator. As time went on, many people began working on these codes so that it was very different from the initial design that Satoshi made.
It is important to remember that there is a misunderstanding about Satoshi that says that Satoshi created Bitcoin alone. Like other major breakthroughs in science, Satoshi's creation was built by the hands of many people. In recent decades, many leading experts, technicians and mathematicians have been involved in research on cryptography, systems, and others. Satoshi managed to summarize all this work into a coherent and clear plan and then implement the plan. If you read the Satoshi Whitepaper, you will read references to all the discoveries that led to its success in the creation.